spent a week in the jungle and the pampas - pampas shots
spent a week in the jungle and the pampas. the pampas are savannahs which are pretty much flooded wetlands abundant with wildlife including bloodsucking mosquitos(the jungle was much worse). saw and heard lots of monkeys including the howler monkey, swam with pink dolphins, lots of birds and also a few resident alligators.
here's the boat we took on a 3 hour ride to our camp in the pampas.

here's a vulture drying his wings.

here's a couple of white crane like birds of which i can't remember the name. they were real big and flew majestically. i can't think of a better flying adjective. they're birds, let's leave it at that.

here's some tiny chichilla monkeys in the trees. they weren't shy, and even jumped on the boat. not sure what they're doing in the last shot, and i'm not sure if i really want to know.

our camp in the pampas with our resident egret named linda, in the foreground.

a closeup of linda

sunset in the pampas

we had two resident alligators. this is casimiero, a blind 60 year old alligator.

this is juan. juan is bigger than casimiero.

here's juan warming in the sun.

and in case you haven't seen it, here's the alligator chicken shots
so we spent one morning, 3 hours to be exact, baking in the sun, walking in the swamp in gumboots looking for anacondas. the only thing that ended up happening was getting a million and one mosquito bites, and i also broke my sunglasses swatting at a mosquito. but on the landcruiser ride back to town, our guide roberto saw a young anaconda in the road. the driver stopped, roberto ran out and grabbed it. and here it is -
here's the boat we took on a 3 hour ride to our camp in the pampas.

here's a vulture drying his wings.

here's a couple of white crane like birds of which i can't remember the name. they were real big and flew majestically. i can't think of a better flying adjective. they're birds, let's leave it at that.

here's some tiny chichilla monkeys in the trees. they weren't shy, and even jumped on the boat. not sure what they're doing in the last shot, and i'm not sure if i really want to know.

our camp in the pampas with our resident egret named linda, in the foreground.

a closeup of linda

sunset in the pampas

we had two resident alligators. this is casimiero, a blind 60 year old alligator.

this is juan. juan is bigger than casimiero.

here's juan warming in the sun.

and in case you haven't seen it, here's the alligator chicken shots
so we spent one morning, 3 hours to be exact, baking in the sun, walking in the swamp in gumboots looking for anacondas. the only thing that ended up happening was getting a million and one mosquito bites, and i also broke my sunglasses swatting at a mosquito. but on the landcruiser ride back to town, our guide roberto saw a young anaconda in the road. the driver stopped, roberto ran out and grabbed it. and here it is -

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