Valdelavilla Poeta
I'm at the Pueblo Ingles english teaching program here in Valdelavilla (the place is in the middle of nowhere...but it's got wi-fi amazingly enough), and one of the waitresses here gave me some poetry that she wrote about her life here, living in San Pedro Manrique, a nearby tiny village. I thought it was quite lovely.
mountain view from Valdelavilla, Spain
He hablado con la noche,
Quiero que baje la luna,
Bese a mi amor en la frente,
Bese a mi hijo en la cuna,
Lo arrulle hasta que vuelva,
En una nube de espuma,
Al hijo que yo mas quiero....
Quiero que baje la luna
I have spoken with the night,
I want the moon to fall,
To kiss my love on the forehead,
To kiss my son in the cradle,
Overwhelming them until it returns,
In a cloud of foam,
To the son I love most....
I want the moon to fall
Cierro los ojos al silencio,
Oigo la voz del recuerdo,
Memorias de mi infancia,
La tierra de donde vengo,
Mi Extremadura del alma,
La familia que alli deje,
El pueblo donde naci....
Los ecos de otros tiempos.
I close my eyes with silence,
I hear the voice of memory,
Memories of my childhood,
The land where I come from,
My extremities of my soul,
The family that allows me there,
The town where I was born....
The echoes of another time.
his words are pure poetry, Dónde está Che Pelotas?
mountain view from Valdelavilla, Spain
Quiero que baje la luna,
Bese a mi amor en la frente,
Bese a mi hijo en la cuna,
Lo arrulle hasta que vuelva,
En una nube de espuma,
Al hijo que yo mas quiero....
Quiero que baje la luna
I have spoken with the night,
I want the moon to fall,
To kiss my love on the forehead,
To kiss my son in the cradle,
Overwhelming them until it returns,
In a cloud of foam,
To the son I love most....
I want the moon to fall
Cierro los ojos al silencio,
Oigo la voz del recuerdo,
Memorias de mi infancia,
La tierra de donde vengo,
Mi Extremadura del alma,
La familia que alli deje,
El pueblo donde naci....
Los ecos de otros tiempos.
I close my eyes with silence,
I hear the voice of memory,
Memories of my childhood,
The land where I come from,
My extremities of my soul,
The family that allows me there,
The town where I was born....
The echoes of another time.
his words are pure poetry, Dónde está Che Pelotas?
Labels: around the world, global transmission, san pedro manrique, spain, travel, valdelavilla
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