The Circus has come to Town
Everybody loves a circus. Especially when you get to see such things as a piranha show or Spain's youngest clown. Well, the circus arrived last week in Piedralaves and with no other forms of entertainment out here than Spanish cow-tipping, we were quite excited. However, the 12 euro price of admission pissed down on our excitement. So instead we took photos of the Piranha Show trucks and a bunch of their posters. So instead of going to the circus, we went to a Barbarella-esque 1970's art show. We did see a bunch of carni's (remember the Simpson's episode) leaving their trailers, but no bearded ladies or general body manipulated freaks. And don't worry mom, I haven't joined the circus.
Is it me, or do clowns still freak you out? Ronald McDonald reeks of child molestation.
Spain's youngest clown. I wonder if this kid will have a normal well-adjusted to society life when he gets older.
I especially like the bleeding times roman font in 'Pirana'. And who thought of putting a turtle in this creatures of death shot.
I don't understand why this scene is happy with a smiling chick with a snake wrapped around her. Even the crocodile is happy.....
while in this shot, this girl is petrified. And how does this art piece succesfully attract the target market of pre-adolescents?.....oh, wait. now i understand their marketing plan....
This girl looks like she's boogie boarding on a giant snake floatie. This artist reeks of Stockton, California.
See what I mean by Barbarella. She looks just like Jane Fonda...and I'm not just speaking of the crocodile.

He's a one-man freak show, Dónde está Che Pelotas?
Is it me, or do clowns still freak you out? Ronald McDonald reeks of child molestation.

He's a one-man freak show, Dónde está Che Pelotas?
Labels: around the world, global transmission, piedralaves, spain, travel
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