TEN DAYS :: terese taylor | film premiere friday november 12
i doubt anyone actually reads this blog anymore. but just in case go to my film premiere:

TEN DAYS :: terese taylor
premiere screening
friday november 12 2010 at 8:00pm (doors open at 7:45)
mission cultural center
2868 mission street sf ca 94110
immediately after, after-party around the corner at the make-out room
advance purchase tix here (sliding scale $10-20), or at the door, but we'll charge you 2 bucks more just because we can: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/135225
view trailers hither: http://www.renology.com/images_film/ten_days/tendays_index.html

TEN DAYS :: terese taylor
premiere screening
friday november 12 2010 at 8:00pm (doors open at 7:45)
mission cultural center
2868 mission street sf ca 94110
immediately after, after-party around the corner at the make-out room
advance purchase tix here (sliding scale $10-20), or at the door, but we'll charge you 2 bucks more just because we can: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/135225
view trailers hither: http://www.renology.com/images_film/ten_days/tendays_index.html
Labels: global transmission, renato jose, TEN DAYS, terese taylor
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