they turned the water off yesterday
now i realize what blogs are for.
it’s nothing but a forum for bitching and moaning.
the bathrooms in our work complex are a notch above gas station toilets.
now imagine the entire building having it’s water turned off for a day like it was yesterday, and what the bathrooms would be like.
some idiot decided to take a dump not realizing the toilets can’t flush, leaving his crap to ferment all day.
the bathrooms have now surpassed the gas station standard.
that was yesterday.
i went to the toilet which had the cover pulled down.
i lifted the seat up, and have you ever walked into a port-o-potty on the 3rd day of an outdoor music fest and that whiff that hits you is like a fecal tornado.
that’s what i experienced.
i vomited, well actually not a full on puke, because i was not going to put my face anywhere near the typhoid toilet. but it was the liquid type, bile coming up that you catch in your throat that makes your eyes tear. that’s what happened.
i had the pleasure of having to flush the toilet three times before using it. you could imagine the shit stains that were in the bowl.
i’m gonna be sick the rest of the day……
do you think management could fill the fucking paper towel dispenser?
for religious reasons, i refuse to touch the doorknob with any part of my exposed skin.
i think in the future, i’m going to drive down to the gas station when i’ve got to pee.